History of Hawick Saxhorn Band
In 1855 a 'numerously signed petition' was presented to the Magistrates by Sam Stainton asking for their support in the formation of a Saxhorn Band; a peoples band. It was agreed on the 29th of October 1855 at a public meeting that the band be formed and that a committee of seven be appointed to manage the affairs of the band.
The townsfolk raised £60 to buy instruments and out of 40 applicants, 14 were chosen to make up the first Saxhorn Band. The first 14 picked were Henry Yule, William Hogg, James Irvine, James Elliot, Robert Hobkirk, Robert George Bunyan, William Currie, William Hardie, William Turner, Samuel Stainton, John Hownam, Alexander Lennie, William Storrie and James Smith.
The name "Saxhorn Band" the only one now remaining in Scotland . comes from the name of a brass instrument invented by one, Adolphe Sax and described as "a valve instrument of the bugle type, played with a cup mouthpiece".